By: Alex Felicetti REALTOR/Sales Associate my natural state, not cultivated, free, untamed, unbroken, and led by my heart.

For me, my travels have been the best classroom. I thrive on learning from others, embracing my creative and adventurous self, gaining perspective, and yes, eating.


I believe I was 16 when I traveled to Paris for the first time. Led by my French teacher, my “Mr. Chips”, a group of 20-some-odd teenagers traveled to Paris for 10 days to explore, experience “culture shock”, and put our few years of high school French to use. The most important mission, and we chose to accept it, was to blend in, not look or act like tourists, and become as immersed as possible not only in the French language, but also (and arguably more importantly) in the French way of life. 


That life-changing trip set free my love of travel, language, and culture – food, art, architecture, and so much more. Later, I would study abroad in London for six months, and, from there, have access to quick and easy travel – Paris again, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, and even the Canary Islands. (“Beach” definitely translates.) My husband and I have traveled together (well before we were married, too – important to compatibility, no?), and have created new favorite memories. Paris. Florence. Disney World.


When we travel, yes, of course we see the “touristy things” each location has to offer. But, we also make time to stroll, without a plan, taking in the city, restaurants, people-watching, “when in Rome”, right? (And we have been to Rome, and I still think of the fig ricotta gelato we found… somewhere.) That’s my natural, un-cultivated state. Open. Happy.


As a parent, I hope to have many opportunities to travel with my husband and our son and create a love of travel and a sense of adventure in him, too. It’s my greatest hope that he also feels wild, while exploring, maybe alone, maybe together, learning a new language, trying new things. As a realtor, my travels have informed everything from my appreciation for architecture, new and old, design, art, and the importance of creating your own space that is true to you and to your heart.

Maybe our next journey will be a wild safari. Stay tuned. A bientot!

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