A Real Estate agent wears many hats.

Among other things, we are advisor, educator, negotiator, designer, and major hand holder to our clients.

I love all those roles.  But one of the things I love the most is when I introduce our fantastic towns to new buyers.  I get so much joy when I have the opportunity to take my clients on  “THE AREA TOUR” ( drum roll please).

What could be better than sharing my love of SOMA to fresh eyes?  I love showing the different neighborhoods with the charming homes, and showing where the schools are located, and the downtowns with the fantastic stores and restaurants.  And then the fete-a-complie is driving through the South Mountain Reservation, with its trails, views of the city, and the awesome dog park!  I always feel like a kid in a candy store among delicious goodies!!

Seeing the wonderment in their eyes as they realize that moving to the “ burbs” can be so cool is all I need to make my day in the life of a realtor the best day ever!!


Like most professions, the daily life of a realtor can change drastically depending on what season or even day of the week one currently occupies.  But also, like most jobs, a certain rhythm can emerge that helps make what can look mundane to the untrained eye into a routine that can propel your business further each day.    

For me, the key is constantly being in communication with people.  Most mornings begin with a zoom conference with the entire Pollock Properties team to mind-hive with our fellow agents and discuss the families we are currently helping to serve.  The constant attention to detail by our listing coordinator, Elisabeth Watson, and our closing coordinator, Teri Pilling, assures that all the important details of a transaction are always being nurtured.  We also actually like each other so these morning powwows almost always provide a few laughs with your morning coffee!

From there it’s off to the races.  And for me, that’s exactly how I think about my day to day job.  I reckon the only competition a realtor truly has is between himself and procrastination.  Now, the silly apps on my phone sometimes win the battle but the game is mine if I simply make merry the work I need to do.  Whether it’s checking in with clients, taking people to see homes, calling friends to see how I can help them, or sharing data and news on social media, my aim is to always enjoy the process.


It’s 6 AM.  I feel a small human’s breath on my face. It’s definitely my five year old; he can somehow survive on very little sleep and food. I open my eyes, and feel immediate guilt that I wasn't up at 5am, meditating, doing a full yoga practice, and reading two chapters of a growth in life/business book. I remind myself that there’s always tomorrow!


Three cups of coffee later, and a five minute shower- I am on full army, I mean Mommy duty! I compare getting my boys ready for school to wrestling two medium-sized alligators. I am one of the VERY lucky ones though, as my kids go to a local preschool in person. Masks on, coats on, no complaints here! 


9 AM the team zooms! We laugh, we cry, we talk about the market, we talk through where we are in the process with each one of our families. This team has been each other’s strength through all that happens in life and business. 42 offers were submitted on a house yesterday? We’re on it! We book a training zoom to talk through how to strengthen offers for our buyers in this market. We are constantly learning and pushing into discomfort to find the greatest success for our clients. We OBSESS over this. 10am we wave goodbye to each other, and wish each other luck for the day!


I must say that in reality, every day is different in real estate. Everything is TIME sensitive in real estate. I like change, so it keeps my adrenaline going (which is ideal since I missed that morning workout). Some days it means pacing through 45 phone calls, composing 55 emails, exchanging 150 text messages, and having really good therapy sessions with my clients who are making their seventh offer in this intense seller’s market. Some days it means running around from house to house with three different families, shoving snacks in my mouth in the car between houses, (tricky in a global pandemic. Lots of hand sanitizer needed!) introducing buyers to as many areas as I can, since competition is fierce. Some days it means reviewing 16 offers that have been submitted on our listings, and calling my sellers with what is most definitely a life changing phone call; both financially, and emotionally. In this season, my heart is constantly moved by how incredibly hard agents are working for their clients.


Some nights the work day ends quite late. Many weeks real estate is seven days in a row. It can sometimes feel like circus plate spinning- negotiating while squeezing in a much needed grocery trip. It’s our normal. What I love about my day, every day, every season, is that it keeps me connected to some of the most INCREDIBLE people. My buyers, sellers, and colleagues have become my friends, my community, my family. That’s the funny thing about real estate; it’s not at all about houses, it’s about people.

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