The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.
— Josh Waitzkin

What a wild and crazy ride the COVID season has been for all of us.  We had to pivot every which way and create a new type of life where six feet apart and covering our faces were the norm.  2020 required a lot from us and asked us to rethink how we live in more ways than just social distancing and mask wearing.  Our homes were transformed into offices, schoolhouses, playgrounds, and often safe havens from the uncertainty found beyond our front doors. 


Taking all of this in, we at Pollock Properties Group found that this pandemic season caused us to shift our design and staging strategy away from the norms of pre-pandemic life (which seemed lightyears away now) to what families really needed now.  The fourth bedroom no longer needed to be staged as the guest space, but as a fully functioning home office.  The Maplewood rooms were transformed from playrooms to school-room. The basement became an alternative family gathering or the new separate play space. Every nook and cranny needed to be designed with the entire family working, schooling, eating, playing mind – living at home around the clock.


Our homes may no longer need to be everything to everyone as the world continues to open, but we have learned that we can withstand a global crisis by getting creative and thoughtful about the place we call home; it was our privilege at Pollock Properties Group to design and stage all of our listings in-house, with this taken to heart and we will continue to do so with our finger always on the pulse of the future homeowners’ realities.

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