This week, we had the privilege of celebrating the remarkable achievements of the Achieve Foundation's Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative (VPMI) scholarship winners at Columbia High School. It was an end-of-year meetup filled with inspiration, gratitude, and the joy of witnessing the positive impact of community support on young lives.

Gathering together with the scholarship winners was a poignant reminder of the transformative power of education, particularly in the arts. Each student shared their journey, highlighting how the VPMI scholarships have not only provided financial support for music lessons or a new instrument, but that it also opened doors to opportunities they never thought possible like playing with world renowned composers,  and DJing at major sporting events. From pursuing their passion for music, to gaining confidence and leadership skills, these students embody the spirit of resilience and determination.

None of this would have been possible without the generous donations from community members and local business partnerships that fuel the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed, whether through financial donations, volunteer efforts, or advocacy. Your support has made a tangible difference in the lives of these students, empowering them to pursue their dreams and unleash their creative potential.

In a time when arts funding is often threatened, both nationally and locally, initiatives like VPMI serve as beacons of hope and resilience. Rather than dwelling on the challenges we are going to face, we remain steadfast in our commitment to doing what's right: providing access to arts education and essential resources for our youth. Through the Achieve Foundation and initiatives like VPMI, we demonstrate that together, we can create positive change and nurture the next generation of artists, innovators, and leaders.

As we reflect on the success of this year's scholarship winners, we are excited for what the future holds. Stay tuned for updates on an upcoming expansion of this initiative and opportunities for you to get involved. Together, we can continue to support the arts, uplift our youth, and build a stronger, more vibrant community for all.

In conclusion, by celebrating the achievements of the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative scholarship winners, we celebrate not only their individual excellence, but also the power of community and the transformative impact of education. Thank you for joining us on this journey of generosity, inspiration, gratitude, and hope. Together, let's continue to champion the arts, invest in our youth, and create a brighter future for all!


Watch Vanessa's timeless Speech to Scholarship recipients and learn more about the Pollocks story & how the Initiative came to be:


Special thanks to:

Achieve Foundation

Eileen Neri

Executive Director of the Achieve Foundation

Joan Ragno, VPMI Achieve Volunteer

Mr. Manno, supervisor of the arts for the South Orange Maplewood school district

All the Music Teachers in our school district



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