By Julie Sondhi REALTOR/Sales Associate

Another definition of wild is "an imagination that isn't held back by rules.” I certainly would describe myself this way - I have always been a spontaneous person, prone to dive right into adventure without second guessing myself. Of course, this has its disadvantages… mainly its share of embarrassing moments. But I guess that's kind of the point! I don't really mind if I make a fool of myself. I just love to live in the moment & squeeze every part out of this thing called life. I think I inherited this mentality in part from my parents, who were always laughing and being silly. They valued experiences over things: "should we get a dishwasher, or should we go on holiday?" 


I'm the person that will drop everything and drive to the beach at a moment's notice if the sun is shining, & I'll drag along anyone else that is willing. I'll fly halfway across the world so I can join my friend in China just for a few days. I'll chase around Disney with a silly hat on to see how many rides we can fit in during the last hour before closing.


When you need a partner in crime, I’ll be there. I love to live life in the fast lane and to make every second count. I like to think that the families I serve appreciate my versatile, go-with-the-flow attitude. Sometimes silly, sometimes wild, but always true to myself. I hope they know I will always be true to them, too. 


Wild is "an imagination that isn't held back by rules.” 

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